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Results for: 'endothelial cells'

Mechanisms of capillary exchange (transcytosis & bulk flow)

By: HWC, Views: 6283

■ This method of capillary exchange is mainly used to transport small amounts of large, lipid-insoluble (water soluble) molecules, such as large proteins. ■ Substances, packaged in vesicles, move through endothelial cells via endocytosis and exocytosis. ■ This method of exchange is th...

Mechanisms of capillary exchange

By: HWC, Views: 6757

■ The primary role of capillaries is to permit the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells (via interstitial fluid). ■ Oxygen and nutrients move from the blood to the cells. ■ Carbon dioxide and other wastes move from the cells to the blood. The three ba...

Coronary Heart Disease Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9898

Arteriosclerotic heart disease occurs when arterial vessels are marked by thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity in arterial walls. Course of cardiovascular disease accelerates due to: Reduced blood flow Rlevated blood lipids Defective endothelial repair

Lipid absorption - end products & transport mechanism

By: HWC, Views: 6173

• The end products, fatty acids and monoglycerides, depend on bile salts for absorption. • Bile salts form micelles (tiny spheres), which ferry fatty acids and monoglycerides to epithelial cells. • Free fatty acids, monoglycerides, and some phospholipids and cholesterol molecules, dif...

Erythropoietin (EPO)

By: HWC, Views: 6194

■ Secreted by kidney cells when blood oxygen is low. ■ Targets cells in red bone marrow that will become red blood cells. ■ Promotes increased numbers of mature red blood cells. ■ More mature red blood cells carry more oxygen so blood oxygen level is restored to normal.

T cell receptors

By: HWC, Views: 6336

• T cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity. • Each T cell contains a unique form of T cell receptor (TCR) on its membrane. • These T cell receptors are produced through a process of genetic recombination which is able to produce millions of different variations. • Each T ce...

Cytotoxic T cell receptors, activation, proliferation, differentiation & action

By: HWC, Views: 6986

• Most cells which have CD8 on their surface become cytotoxic T cells (Tc cells). • CD8 T cells recognize a foreign antigen when it is presented in conjunction with the protein, MHC-I. • Nearly all nucleated cells in the body express MHC-I molecules. • T cells that recognize self-pe...

Cardiac conductile cells

By: HWC, Views: 6879

• In order for the heart to function properly, all of its cells must contract in a specific sequence. This sequence is determined by a pathway known as the conduction system. • Cardiac muscle cells have two attributes that enable the conduction system to work: • Connective. Action pot...

Griffith's experiments

By: HWC, Views: 3774

In the late 1920s, Fred Griffith was attempting to develop a vaccine against a bacterium that causes pneumonia. To find out why two strains of the bacteria differed in their deadliness, he injected mice with four different mixtures. Mice injected with R cells remained healthy. When Griffith ex...
